Women Power in Comics (WOMCOM) is a collaborative initiative that brings together partners from Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia with the goal of empowering female comic artists and addressing gender issues in comics. The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission.

WOMCOM will last for two years (2023-2024) and some of its main activities include:

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4 residencies

imagined as co-working and co-creation spaces bringing together twelve residents each (the majority of them women) under the guidance of mentors. Each residency will last for two weeks.

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4 exhibitions

presenting the works created during the residencies.

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An international exhibition

as part of the following festivals: PesText Festival, (Hungary), Tinta Festival (Slovenia), Ohoho Festival (Croatia), Novi Sad’s Comic Book Weekend (Serbia) and Stripovanje Festival (Montenegro).

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A printed anthology

of works created during the residencies, to be published at the end of the two-year program.

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WOMCOM digital platform

developed for and with the artists, to communicate the project’s results and to become a referent repository of female comic artists of the participating countries.

people reading comics